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Laborer's International Union of North America
Tommy White, Business Manager
Secretary Treasurer


Class registration is only done in personat our office located at 4201 E BonanzaRd., Las Vegas, NV 89110.You willneed to present a valid state photo ID andany pre-requisite documentation (ifrequired).
Payment will need to be made at the timeof registering. Major Credit / Debit Cardsis the only form of payment accepted.

Registration and payment must becompleted 5 business days before thestart of the class scheduled date.
If you are unable to attend class on thedate you specified, you must call ouroffice within 2 business days andreschedule. There will be No Refunds onclasses missed.
All Classes will be held at our Training Center located at:
4201 E. Bonanza Road
Las Vegas, NV 89110
The Schedule is subject to change.

Flagger Certification
When: Call for Specific Date
Time: 7 am - 11:30 am
Traffic Control Technician
When: Call for Specific Date
Time: 7 am - 3:30 pm
Traffic Control Supervisor
When: Call for Specific Date
Time: 7 am - 3:30 pm
Flagger Certification
$ 100.00
After completing this 4 hour course participants should be able to:
1. Describe when hand-signaling devices, such as Stop/Slow paddles, lights, and red flags, should be used for traffic control.
2. Identify and describe the purpose of the standard clothing used by flaggers for maximum visibility during the daytime and nighttime.
3. Describe the correct positioning of the flagger in work zones with straight, hilly, and/or curving roads.
4. Describe three good communication methods flaggers can use during two-person flagging operations.
5. Demonstrate the proper procedures for stopping, slowing, and releasing traffic.
6. Describe the purpose of a pilot car, and describe one situation that would require the use of a pilot car for traffic control.
7. List the personnel needed for flagging in several different kinds of work zones.

Traffic Control Technician
$ 160.00
(Pre-Requisite: Flagging Certificate & 2,000 verified flagging hours)
After completing this 8 hour course participants should be able to:
1. Describe the purpose of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).
2. List and describe the four parts of a typical traffic control zone.
3. Describe three types of traffic control devices and the purpose of each device.
4. Describe three ways to protect pedestrian safety in traffic control zones.
Traffic Control Supervisor
$ 350.00
(Pre-Requisite: TCT Certificate & 4,000 verified TCT hours)
After completing this 8 hour course participants should be able to:
1. Describe the supervisor’s responsibilities to help employees improve work zone safety.
2. Determine vehicles’ blind areas by mapping them out on the ground.
3. Demonstrate the steps necessary to develop and implement a structured Internal Traffic Control Plan (ITCP).
4. Describe the principles and application of traffic control devices in order to implement a road user-friendly temporary traffic control set-up.
5. Identify, name and describe the uses of six different channeling devices used on highway work zone construction projects.
6. Determine whether channeling devices illustrated on a plan are used correctly based upon the presented application of use.
7. Match the symbols found on a typical application diagram key to their correct terminology.
8. Identify, list and quantify symbols found on six typical application illustrations.
9. Develop the correct phrasing for a Portable Changeable Message Sign (PCMS) given specific highway work zone situations.
10. List and describe the four parts of a typical traffic control zone.
11. Select the proper traffic control device to match the work zone environment.
12. List and describe three key elements in protecting pedestrians moving through a traffic control zone.

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